Psalm 51:12
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
Many times we get caught up in this fast pace world; this is why we do the wrong things; not taking time out to give God his glory. We began to take things for granted; thinking life will always be here for us. Many times, thinking certain situations and incidents will never happen to us. We must think again, by giving our life, our existence in this world a second thought. What is the purpose and mission for our existence? Is it to please God? Or is it to please ourselves.
Our life is a destiny we, or no one else, have travelled before. In order to continue our journey many times we must walk a lonley road; we must hold on tightly to God's unchanging hand. He is the only one that will never leave or forsake us; this is His promise to us.
From the beginning of my life as a child I did not know how to depend on God. I always depended on my parents, while they depended on him for our whole family. I found it easy being a child because all things were given to me.
All during grammar school I continued to depend on my parents because they were there for me; and I did not know God as I should. I went to church occasionally, mostly with my family. When I sought God with all my heart, soul and mind, I began to know him as He is, my saviour. This was at a time that I was seeking to be saved.
Before I started going to High School I knew God as someone who had saved me, and wanted to keep me in his will, not knowing what His will for my life was. My parents were my first teachers. The only things I knew was exemplified by them. Later in life the Holy Spirit started being my greatest teacher. I began to lean and demand on him who saved my soul from sin.
By the time I entered college I knew God was the one. I began to know him as the center of my life. I didn't wait until I needed him. I called on him every day to bless me, my family, friends and others. I learned that the joy of the Lord was my strength and He was a pleasant help in my time of need. Going to college was a task for me. Commuting from the county to the city each morning, and returning home late in the evenings with a one year old child to care for. At this time my parents were deceased, and I had no grant parents. I only had other siblings. This is why I had to learn who God was, who he would be and who He had been in my life.
When I entered the work force I had to use the joy He had given me, in order, to get through the day. My job was very demanding. I drove an hour each way to and from work. I learned to began praying each morning as I opened my eyes. I learned through prayer He would work things out. The things that were impossible for me, was just right for him. At the end of each day I thanked him by giving him His glory and praise for being with me, and never leaving me. As task on my job got hard, I found out I had to pray more deeper and longer, so that my thoughts would be his thoughts; and my ways would be his ways. I also learned that complaining would not help anything. It would only hinder me. I thought about those that did not have a job to go to, a car to drive, money to pay for rent, food, clothing, and shelter. When I was working on this job I did not realized that I was carrying out God's mission by helping thousands of people monthly.
When I entered retirement I never realized I would be so blessed. I began praying more; a daily communication with God, my day and my tomorrow. I have began writing as I promised myself; I have also began helping those who can not help themselves. I gave my life to the workforce for many years; now I have given it so God can use me. He has richly blessed me and restored unto me the joy of my salvation.
God's promise to us is, He will restore to us the years that has be consumed; and we shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord our God, that has dealt wondrously with us; and we shall never be ashamed, according to Joel 2: 25 & 26; amen.
Until we meet again - soon.
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