Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Look Where He Brought Us From

What matters the most to us today?  Is it things that we can not have, problems that we can not solve, or

is it knowing that we are blessed to be among the living?

It is very good sometimes to just sit and think about how far the Lord have brought us from.  He brought us

out of darkness into the marvelous light.

No one knew the trouble we saw, no none knew our sorrow.  People just did not know, the times that we

 were smiling, to us, seemed to be one of the worst days of our life.

Can we only dream of being more happier than we ever image, or is this just a fantacy.

When we look around and see people, things and time changing every day, this makes me want to be

closer to the Lord.  Every day I want to show Him my love.

It is very good sometimes to just sit and think how far the Lord have brought us from. He predestined us to

be here today, before we were in our mother's womb. His will was to protect, provide and be an eternal

father to us.  I realize that every day is a day of thanksgiving.

Oh how good it is to just sit and think about  how far the Lord have brought us from.

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