Friday, February 4, 2011

Education: A Terrible Thing To Waste

Statement made: I'm going back to school to...


We have heard it said many times, ""A mind is a terrible thing to waste." This statement is very true.

The news media told about a lady who was in her 80's that went back to college and got her bachelor degree.

It is never too late to get an education. Sometimes it takes older adults longer to comprehend as fast and as much, as it does a younger person. It is worth every effort to try to become or stay educated; even if this means staying refreshed on things that we have learned.

Our mind, I like, is like a computer; it has had so much information stored on the drive over the years; it is full, and needs to be cleaned out for more storage.

A magazine article stated, "If we communicate more, and do more mind interactive activities our mind would stay more active and alert."

If we notice, when a family member or friend talk more to an older person, his/her mind stays active longer.
This is because it opens up the memory  for communication and to think more socially.

The mind has many opinions, suggestions, comments and questions hidden in it. It just needs the opportunity to share the thoughts.

Proverbs 15:2

The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright:

Proverbs 18:15

The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.

***A wise teacher uses his/her knowlege the right way; with joy

***An intelligent person is open to new ideas; he is always looking for them.

***With technology taking over so many jobs in our society; it is good to stay abreast on many things.

Out of all our getting lets get an understanding;  and with the understanding  knowledge.

Until we meet again - soon.

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