Friday, February 10, 2012

Rebuilding Our Life Is Like...

(Thought: Rebuilding)

Genesis 6:5

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Noah was a just man who walked and talked with God daily. Because of this God revealed his intention to him to destroy the world by a flood.  God told him to build an ark (big ship) in which he and his family would survive during that time.  Many times in life we have to clean up what we have messed up, and with the help of God, we can start all over again rebuilding our life one day at a time.

Some times rebuilding our life is not an easy task. First we must examine ourself and  know that God will be  with us through it all. When we think of Nehemiah, he mourned, fasted and prayed to God for many days, seeking his will to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem. We know that it took a lot of courage, ambition and determination to accomplish the task set before him.  In times when God is speaking to us to carry on His work, when no one else hears Him, we get a lot of criticism, scorning and many distractions, but we must obey, trust God and keep the faith.

In many instances life itself is a challenge and a great task to continue to hold our head up, and keep the faith in spite of the doubts of others, close friends and family members.  We must always remember if God is for us He is more than the world against us. When we have done all we can to serve our father, it is then that we can stand and receive our reward.

Let's remember that we can only rebuild a Godly life through Christ.

Until we meet again - soon.

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