Wednesday, July 11, 2012

God's People are Flying High

God’s people are known to fly high like an eagle and soar like a dove.  We see someone in our spirit, is it God from above?

Our missions and our goals have been put to a test.  We will wait on the Lord and then take our rest.

I asked my Master why we are tested.  His answer was, “Everyone goes through trials and tribulations after they have rested.”

We know that whatever we do for the Lord are the only things that will last.  Earthly things have already failed and perished in the past.

We must wait on the Lord and be of good courage, and He will strengthen our heart.  We should have done this very thing from the start.

In doing God’s work we must mount up our sword – the word of God - and continue our flight.  Waiting and waiting will delay our mission until dawn or midnight.

In accomplishing the task set before us we may endure hardship and pain. It does not matter now, because the love of God we will gain.

The fruits of the spirit are what we need to embrace, because we have the joy of the Holy Ghost to run this race.

Before starting our mission as a daily routine, each day we must give praises to the Lord,
until the Heavenly angles sing.

The mission set before us may seem impossible and very hard to complete. We must look to heaven, and imagine what Jesus went through, to be able to stand at our Master’s feet.

God’s people are Flying High

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