Monday, December 12, 2011

An Upright Man

(My Sermon on Sunday, December 11, 2011)

Job Chapters 1-42

Job lived in the land of Uz, he was a prosperous man, well to do financially and spiritually.

God allowed Satan to attack Job and all the he had - his substance.  God offered Job to Satan because He knew Job was a faithful man and hated and avoided evil.

Satan said to God, "After I take away all Job has he is going to curse you to your face."  Satan's attack on Job not only took away all that he had, but caused him to have boils all over his body, from his head to his toes.

Jobs adversaries:

1. Mrs. Job sounded like Satan, "Telling Job to curse God and die because of the perdictiment he was in.
    It sounded as though she was ready to get rid of him.

2. Job's three best friends who was suppose to come mourn and offer their comfort to him -  conversation turned into a debate, argument - to reason out his suffering. A question and answer session.

In both of Job's debates with his wife and friends he always kept his integrity. Saying he did nothing wrong to cause this affliction upon him; and upholding the good name of the Lord. Job's final question to his friends was, "How long will you vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words?"  While he continued to scrape the sores over his body.

At this point God, himself, started speaking to Job - asking him numerous question - already having the answers and not justifying anything as He asked the questions. God always does what He want; when He want, and the reason He wants to do it.

God also corrected Job's three friends by telling them, "They had not spoken the right things about Him, but Job had."

God made Job's friends give him some of their cattle and offer a burnt offering. God then had Job to pray for them. Afterwards God blessed Job. He gave him double for his trouble - twice as much as he had.

It is a good thing to walk upright before God; do what He says and have faith in Him. He can make your enemies your foot stool; and have you to pray for those who despitefully misuse you.

When things go wrong and friends and others turn their back on you, continue to trust in God. Do what He tells you to do, "Be still, just be still. He will never leave us, nor forsake us.  Don't you know, yes, you already know, He will never leave you.  Just be still."

Lets try to be upright Christians until Christ returns - and until we meet again - soon.

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